Saturday, June 13, 2020

Next release and cover reveal

Time's flying and things get a bit on my way, particularly when it's time for a holiday.
The funny thing is that, for the first time in my working life, my supervisor could ask me to postpone my holiday, and there were no problems with it.
With that, we 're reaching another point, which is the complete flexibility of my free time.
Not being able to travel, I should call it time off.
Of course, there are also positive sides to not being able to leave for a journey, and those are, besides saving money to be allocated somewhere else, more time for me to write and nurture my garden.
Big projects are going on concerning both sides of the business. 
One is nurturing my spirit through the garden activities, and the other is transforming those positive thoughts on the writing process.
Therefore, I'm pleased to announce that the process worked so far and I've been busy creating the new cover for the next mystery novel.
The title:
The Man From The Mist.
It's a mystery novel where a young man, Dave, who lives his gray life in the almost complete invisibility and anonymity, will have to stand up for his right and to defend the only person who offered a friendly relationship. However, there is something from his past, he appears having forgotten, and a mysterious man appearing every time the mist is rising will force him to remember.
Here is a short teaser for the novel:
I'm also working on other promotional videos to be released.
Here's the cover I'm planning to use for the book.
As usual, from the original version that was created in the beginning, this is quite an evolution, but this is what happens generally. You start with an idea and you have no idea where it will bring you.
So the question is where now it will be released?
Being in the hands of the editor, I presume it could be ready by the end of this month. Nevertheless, I'm planning to put it into a pre-order and see what is going to happen.
Stay tuned, stay home, stay safe!


  1. Love the cover!! Good luck!
    stay safe

  2. Wonderful cover and intriguing premise. My compliments.

  3. Intriguing cover. Wishing you the best of success with it! @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act


The long road of writing a book.

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